Pet Comparisons

Face-Off of the Furballs: Pet Rats vs. Chinchillas

If you’re researching different pocket pets, I’m sure you’ve come across both rats and chinchillas! One of the big upsides to chinchillas (or downsides, depending on how you look at it) is that they live much, much longer than rats: upwards of a decade or more!

Before we go into details, what exactly is a chinchilla? (I think rats are pretty obvious!) Chinchillas are rodents too, like rats, but they belong to a different family, Chinchillidae.

Similar to rats, they’re extremely social and naturally live in groups. They also have perpetually growing front teeth.

Native to the Andes mountains in South America, chinchillas are known for their exceptionally soft fur. They can jump up to six feet, which is amazing given that they’re only 10-14 inches themselves! Chinchillas have adorable large ears, a round furry body, and a furry tail.

In this article, we’ll cover all of the similarities and differences between pet rats and chinchillas to help you make an informed choice on which animal to take home with you!

Similarities between rats and chinchillas

Both pet rats and chinchillas are small animals commonly kept as pets. They’re both mammals and belong to the rodent family. Both pets are pretty easy to find in pet stores, or if you have a breeder near where you live, that’s an even better option! Here are some other similarities between the two:

  • Rats and chinchillas are both social animals that need to be kept in pairs of groups. They can bond with their owners and enjoy human interaction.
  • They both need a fairly large cage with lots of room to move around, exercise and play. They like many of the same enrichment items in their cages, too.
  • Both rats and chinchillas have teeth that continuously grow, requiring chew toys and sometimes dental care if their teeth grow out of alignment.
  • They can both be litter trained to some extent.
  • They are both very susceptible to heat stroke during hot weather.

Differences between rats and chinchillas

Pet RatsChinchillas
Size9-11 inches, weighing 0.6 – 1.5lb. Male rats are typically larger than females.10-14 inches, weighing 1-2lbs. Female chinchillas are often larger than males! Chinchillas are quite delicate.
DietOmnivores – requires balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and grains.Herbivores – mainly hay, chinchilla pellets, some fresh greens, with insects and eggs given rarely as a treat.
CageNeed about 2 – 2.5 cubic feet per rat, with lots of room for climbing, hiding and playing.Need a significantly larger cage than rats, with multiple levels for climbing and jumping.
Noise LevelQuiet – they make soft squeaks when playing with each otherQuiet, but can make vocal noises, especially at night
Lifespan2-3 years10-20 years
SmellMinimal – provided the cage is cleaned regularlyMinimal – as long as proper grooming and cage cleaning are maintained
Maintenance RequiredRegular cage cleaning, attention, and exerciseRegular cage cleaning, dust baths, attention, and exercise
Grooming NeedsMinimal – self-groomingRequires regular dust baths to keep their fur clean
Temperament Towards PeopleSocial, friendly, and can bond well with their ownersCan be skittish at first, but can bond and become affectionate with time
Exercise NeedsHigh – needs regular out-of-cage time for mental and physical stimulationHigh – needs regular out-of-cage time for mental and physical stimulation
Common Health ConcernsRespiratory infections, tumors, mitesDental disease, heat stroke, fur chewing
Cohabitation with Other AnimalsGenerally sociable, but introductions must be handled carefully. Need friends of their own species.Chinchillas also do best with other chinchillas. Not recommended with other pets.
TrainingCan be trained to respond to their names and perform tricks.Chinchillas can be trained to do basic tasks, but they may not be as interested in doing tricks as other animals.
Sleep ScheduleCrepuscular – most active at dawn and dusk.Crepuscular – most active at dawn and dusk.
LegalityLegal in most places, except for Alberta in Canada, Hawaii and Alaska.Legal in most places, but illegal or restricted in some areas due to being an exotic pet.
DestructivenessRats love to chew on anything and everything.Chinchillas also love to chew and can damage furniture, wires, etc. if not supervised.

Who should get pet rats?

Definitely consider rats if:

  • You don’t want to make a long commitment. Rats only live between 2-3 years on average – probably the biggest difference between the two!
  • You don’t have much space. Rats can get by with a slightly smaller cage than chinchillas, and don’t need quite as much free roam time outside their cage.
  • You want a pet who can steal some of your leftovers. Provided that you eat healthy, your rats can have a little bite of just about everything you eat!
  • You want a pet that kids can help you take care of. Rats are somewhat less delicate than chinchillas, especially if you get males, who are larger and sturdier than the ladies. Though I think kids under 7 or 8 might still be too young for rats, older kids can really enjoy pet rats.

Who should get chinchillas?

  • You want a hypo-allergenic pet. Believe it or not, many people who are allergic to other pets don’t react as much to chinchillas. (Though you still have to watch the dust they bathe in!) If you want to test it out, try visiting someone who has a chinchilla, or the pet store, and handling a chinchilla first.
  • You want a pet with a long lifespan. Chinchillas can live as long as a dog or a cat, from 10-20 years! That can be a big commitment, but perfect for you if you find losing a pet really difficult.


Choosing between pet rats and chinchillas depends on your lifestyle and preferences.

If you’re seeking a pet with a longer lifespan and hypo-allergenic qualities, chinchillas are worth considering. They do need larger cages though, and have specific dietary needs.

On the other hand, rats are a shorter-term commitment. They’re great for smaller living spaces and are also very lovable!

Whatever you choose, I’m sure they’ll give you lots of entertainment and love!